We offer painting and whitewashing of walls, ceilings, beams and other structural elements in halls and at heights. Painting, whitewashing and coating can be carried out in various warehouses, industrial and commercial halls, production plants, factories, sites and hypermarkets. We also perform painting of different premises, stairways, corridors, garages, workshops, etc.
We paint and coat walls, ceilings, columns and beams in dark production halls of foundries but also in clean operations of automotive, electronics, food and optical industry. Almost all jobs, are performed with the use of our specialized working platforms, which provide access even to confined spaces. We can paint among machines, shelves, materials and products. Any important facilities are always covered with large tarpaulins and the workplace is cleaned up after every shift.
The entire work is carried out during day, afternoon and night shifts, on weekends, and during summer and winter holiday temporary shutdowns. Naturally, in case of extremely busy or nonstop operations, we work without any interruption to production. We also make extensive use of Christmas and holiday temporary shutdowns.
We carry out chemical cleaning of tin ceilings and walls. We can clean all types of skylights regardless of the complexity of access. To remove dust and dirt form all installations on walls and at heights we use giant, 500 kg industrial vacuum cleaner and smaller mobile vacuum cleaners. We can clean air-conditioning systems, lighting, electrical, gas, pressure and cable distribution systems or fire protection systems.
Employing these methods, we can also clean overhead cranes, steel and building structures, and technological units at heights. Another novelty concerns video inspection of the insides of air-conditioning systems. It is offered for free as part of the painting and cleaning of halls. Of course, it is possible to clean the insides of distribution systems if necessary.
All activities are carried out in accordance with all safety standards.
Our company is insured against damage to third party and entities. All our employees have valid training in occupational safety, work at heights, fire safety, working platforms operation and other related safety standards and regulations. Our employees always coordinate the performance of our work with the workplace supervisor.
We can access treated surfaces using some of our specialized working platforms. They are mobile, equipped with individual drive and have large height and span reach. Despite that, some of them can even get through doors only 80 cm wide. They can move easily in confined spaces and among machines, materials or products.
We use various industrial vacuum cleaners. For instance from extremely light back vacuum cleaners for narrow spaces to high-performance “half-ton“ ones, portable and high-performance with two 15kW turbines. These huge vacuum cleaners vacuum easily heavy and thick dirt for example in foundries.
With help of tens of kinds of industrial cleaning chemicals from several producers we have successfully dealt with cleaning of various kinds and states of impurities in several hundreds of production halls in the Czech Republic and abroad. This way of cleaning is often combined with a special steam cleaner.
Thanks to 10 BAR pressure, 180 °C temperature and 250 kg of “dry“ steam we can deal with various impurities in poorly accessible places within an hour with help of special heads, suction of industrial chemicals and many company improvements. In combination with this machine we have developed many unique technological processes for cleaning in poorly accessible places.
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